Greetings All,
Lets time to on account of read this present article..let's get to the meaningful part . this web journals valuable for who is searching for employment in Hadoop/BigData Technologies.
on the off chance that you done your course or your a subject specialists however you have to answers every one of the inquiries from questioner.
for getting job in Hadoop you should know below things
Hadoop Architecture -- This comes from reading and leaning
HDFS - Storing
Map reduce -- Processing
Now a days no one using the Batch Processing but you should be strong enough the architecture of core part like
NameNode -- Master node
SNN -- master
JOBTracker -- master
Task Tracker -- slave
Data Node -- slave
Continuously circumstance you need to speak with just name node machine you don't know different machines and evil spirits if your PIG/HIVE designer .
1) Tell me about yourself ?
Answer : you much know more than me but make sure be confident.
2) Explain about your company use case ?
Answer :
3) Explain about your job work flow process?
4) What is your hadoop cluster size?
5) Data retention policy ?
6) what is the size of you each node hardware configuration?
7) Cluster capacity of Data each node?
8) Per day how much data your handling?
9) What type of data your using in your cluster ?
10) How to store the data into your hadoop cluster? what is the format ?
11) What is Hadoop how you can define in your way?
12) Which version of hadoop eco are you using ?
13) What is the difference between MR1 and MR2 ? or hadoop1 or hadoop2?
14) what are the core parts of hadoop?
15) what is the cluster throughput ?
16) what is the cluster benchmarks?
17) what are the tools are you using in your company?
18) explain the map reduce flow?
19) did you write any map reduce programs ?
20) what is the input format did you use in your use case?
21) what are the monitoring tools did you use?
22) did you use PUPPET? Nagios in your project?
23) how do you know the job failures expect log and alert mechanism ?
24) how many jobs are running daily how much data can handle?
25) explain about your role in your architecture ?
26) do you have any idea about developemnt/admin depends on your position?
27) did you write a reducers in your programs?
28) how to write custom input format ?
29) how to read the mail contents in your HDFS?
30) difference between PIG and HIVE?
31) what is HDFS federation ?
32) how to tune the low performed jobs ?
33) how to trouble shoot the cluster if your not a admin ?
34) how to tune the map reduce programs ?
35) should you explain what is PIG?
36) what is GROUP and COGROUP?
37) did you write UDF's ?
38) explain one UDF how you can make it done and why you used?
39) did you use any external tables in HIVE?
40) did you create any table in Hive /Pig explain the syntax?
41) what is Flume?
42) in a cluster we have 4 nodes flume agent is single or 4 needs to install?
43) what is the channel in flume did you use?
44) can you set up your own cluster if i give the machines?
45) can you explain your starting to ending flow if failure anything happens in millions of jobs how to trace it ?
Still in progress...